What is it about ? good art ? in fact i can never decide, but there is this couple of musicians or filmmakers that i kinda long for enjoying their works, i get to forget about them for a while, then i remember them by chance and stick to them for a while, and while i am enjoying them i keep on asking myself why on earth do i get to forget about them ! they have to be all around me all the time, i should even by sticking their photos around me on the walls ! I LOVE THOSE PEOPLE ! what do they do to me with their work is simply MAGIC. And then i get to think again, and realize, that if i never forget about them, i'll get used to them, and in this case i will lose this tremendous shivering instant of GETTING BACK to them..
Among which is Philip Glass, this guy is really amazing, from time to time i remember that his tracks are there on these couple of CDs on my shelves and i have to get them out and give them all ears ! and i keep on sticking to him for a while, everywhere, in my room, driving, or even at work, sometimes he gets on the nerves of my colleagues, i know he is not that easy to get used to, but whenever you start getting addicted you can do nothing, you will always ask for more, and look forward to exploring new pieces (worlds) of his.
One day - hopefully - i will get to meet him, and try to tell him how much influence his work had upon me, sometimes I used to feel as if this piece is just for my mood now, IT JUST FITS ME.
Thank You Chadi!