الأربعاء، يناير 31، 2007

إليك أيها الشاب المصري المدرك لكل شئ

el (tareequa) fee tazbeet el (bent)

(tafla7 al tareeqya al massreyya hazeehee ma3al bent al masreyya faqat, wa hopefully mesh kol el banat al masreyyat)

when it shows that she is a bit talkative, and opinionated, ya3ny betetkallem ya3ny , 3ala 3akss ma7'alee2 allah men banat massr el ma7roossa elly beyetfarrago 3ala mossalssalat ahmed sa2r w yesma3o a3'any mohamed 7ama2y, law heyya mokhtalefa ya3ny shwayya, yegebha sekka ezzay ? tab3an mesh 7ayakol ma3aha ennaka tes2alha 3an ra2yaha fee shereet mohamed fouad el gedeed massalan, lazem tekallemha kalam shabh kalamha; sebha tetkallem shwayya w ba3dain to2oom enta ba2a da7'el men nafss el sekka:

"aywa mazboot w 3andek 7a22 wana 7assess beeky w da kalam beye7ssal fee kol el 3alam mesh 3aref e7na 3andena leh keda, dana 7atta a7'o sa7by elly 3ayesh fee amreeka men seneen bey2ool nafss el kalam"

keda yam3allem ya newer enta ya fale7 teb2a enta saggedtaha, bass tab3an lazem KARAGOL SHAR2Y tebda2 ba2a tefred weg het nazarak, elly tab3an lazem teb2a 3akss tamaaman ayy shai2 2olto abl keda:

"bass a7eb afakkarek enne7na fel mogtama3 wel donya wel nass wel bent lazem terga3 badry wel 7ayah ba2a, sa7ee7 ana ma3aky fee da w fee da bass bardo lksiphwh we bardo jsigw"

w 3ashan tenhee el mawdoo3 fee sal7ak ya sa7by teddelha ba2a keletain fel 2a7'er men no3 bassenty zo2ek gameel fee azduhwuhw walla lebssekkjwdhwuh w tsabbel 3enaik w t2arrab menha 7'alleeha teshem ree7et el hebab ellenta shareeh ta2leed men sa7bak el me3affen elly shabahak elly beyelness banatalon dirty zayyo, 2arrab mennha 3ashan kaman teshemm ree7et el zeft el jel ellenta betedrabo fee rassak w betshemmo abl mat7otto...

gatak el araf

الثلاثاء، يناير 30، 2007

طيري يا طيارة طيري

7'abbatet mama 3ala bab 2odty w 2aletlly 3awza a7keelek 3ala 7aga, 7aketly 3an el melaya elly kanet bet7ebbaha geddan, fee yome taret men 3ala 7abl el 3'asseel, mama 2a3adet tedawwar 3aleha, w tess2al el nass, w et7awel tergga3ha, w ba3dain la2et ha, la2et ha met2atta3a w metbahdela w mesh nedeefA, 3'assalet ha w fedlet kol matbosselha medday2a, w delwa2ty betfakkar ennaha termeeha, 3ashan betet3aknen kol matshofha, fakkaretny bekelmet "dont cry because it came to an end, smile because it hapenned" naffss el fekra, heyya 2aletly ennaha mato2sodsh 7aga men el 7ekaya dee, bass ana muta2akkedd ennaha to2sodny ana, wezzay ana nefssy ennaha terga3ly tany, ana 3aref ennaha delwa2ty (meth alhela) bardo, bassana zayy mama, nefssy feeha,
bass heyya tarett

to sleep with a tulip

She told me that i should stop being interested in photos of tulips and such romantic stuff, they (girls) - at least many of them - always speak about such stuff in a way that really irritates me. The point is you will never know how to get along with people as long as your expecting things of them and relying on that; expecting a smile or a warm touch, or a relieving gesture.
then one should be living by himself or what ?!
there is a huge amount of temptation to be among people who love you and understand you, but as soon as they start not to be, the pain would be much more than the joy that you used to gain.

الاثنين، يناير 29، 2007

ana 3awez a3eesh fel sweed (1)

إلي كل من يسول له جهله أن يتخيل أنه كان يدرس (فن) في (كلية)