الأحد، يوليو 30، 2006
الجمعة، يوليو 21، 2006
"محمود المليجي: "و عايزني أكسبها ؟
el 2ordon
الأربعاء، يوليو 19، 2006
الثلاثاء، يوليو 18، 2006

This photo is for me wih a very kind and aknowldged man that i have met in Aleppo (حلب) - i can not remember his name anymore - this guy was one of our hosts there, we had a long walk with him and he was so funny and interesting to talk to, he showed lots of places in Aleppo, and talked to us about it's history, he was very kind.
One of the funny things about me and Aleppo is that i did not easily recognize what sort of cities is that when i was reading it's name in the game of bank el Hazz when i was a child, then i asked my father what sort of city is that and he told me that it is a very famous city in Syria.
i believe that there should be some sort of an invention oneday that would enable us to watch what is happening on another spot of the world. i thaught of that while mtrying to figure out how would it feel to be crossing the boarders between two countries, while being not very much welcomed on the other side.
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